Manpower and Service
With our International co-operation collaborator in Scandinavia, Canada and USA we are able to offer a wide range of offshore services anywhere in the world.
Besides various crane service we also provide the offshore industry manpower in the following categories:
- Offshore and onshore Welders
- Scar folders and Painters
- Subsea Construction Engineers & Project Managers Installation Engineers
- Project Managers (Pipeline & Offshore Structures)
- Offshore Project Managers/Construction
- Superintendents ROV Supervisors & Superintendents
- ROV Pilot Technicians Life Support
- Technicians and Supervisors Air and Saturation
- Diving Supervisors Diving System
- Technicians Underwater Inspection Technicians Coordinators and Divers (CSWIP)
- Offshore Mechanical Technicians & Riggers Vessel Crew Project Managers
- Hydrographical Surveyors Certified Hydrographer’s
- Multi-beam Engineers
- Geophysical Engineers Survey Engineers
- Geophysicists/Geologists Geophysical Mechanical Technicians
- Geotechnical Engineers CAD Designers / Draughtsmen / Data Processors
- Vessels we can crew: DP, DSV, AHTS, PSV, Semi Subs, Well Int, Platforms, FPSO, FSO, Cable Lay, Construction, ERRV, Drill Ships, Jack-ups.
- Deck and Engine Officers including Master, Senior Deck Officers, Senior Engineering Officers
- Marine Crew – AB, OS, Roustabout, Boatswain, Coxswain, Motorman, Dynamic Positioning Officers, ETOs, Electricians, Heli Deck Crew, Medic/Admin, HSE, Crane Operators and Welders, etc
- Catering Crew – Stewards, Cooks, Camp Boss, etc